Breathe yoga
Do you know how to breathe during yoga? Breathing is a very important part of yoga, which unfortunately is often overlooked. Yoga should be about creating a harmony between body, mind, and breath. Instead, many people focus on keeping up with their yoga class and forget about proper breathing. As a result, yoga sessions can become exhausting, while they should be revitalizing. Are you feeling physically and mentally drained after an intense yoga session? Chances are that you are not breathing properly. The Wim Hof Method can help you find your breath. Thousands of people all over the world have already used the method to improve their breathing, and ultimately their lives. You can watch some of their testimonials here.
How to breathe during yoga
Most people breathe shallowly during yoga and therefore do not reach their full breathing capacity. Some people even unconsciously hold their breaths, because they are stressed and tensed up. Pranayama is a specific form of yoga that focuses on breathing. It is about distributing life force, or prana, throughout your body by controlling your breath. Below are three types of pranayama.
Ujjayji. Ujjayji is the most popular form of Pranayama. It is about breathing in and out through your nose, while directing your breath over the back of your throat. The result is a soft hissing sound. Practicing Ujjayji slows down your breathing. It also keeps your mind from wandering, as you are constantly focused on the way you are breathing.
Mula Bandha. Mula Bandha resides on the intersection of pranayama and meditation, and is used to hold on to as much prana as possible, by locking the lower regions of your body. Doing so requires you to contract certain muscles at the base of your pelvis.
Kumbhaka. Kumbhaka is a state between inhalation and exhalation. It is about retention of breath and can be practiced with full lungs (Antara Kumbhaka) and with empty lungs (Bahya Kumbhaka). Practicing Kumbhaka will increase the oxygen uptake and carbon dioxide exchange inside of your lungs.
Breathing exercises of the Wim Hof Method
Proper breathing allows life force to spread evenly throughout your body. It helps your body recover and it keeps your mind at ease. The breathing exercises that are incorporated into the Wim Hof Method consist of deep and rhythmic inhalations and exhalations, and of holding your breath for a specific amount of time. These particular exercises are designed to induce a short stress response on your body, which makes you more resilient towards everyday stressors, and give you control over your mind, over your body, and ultimately over your immune system.
Practice the Wim Hof Method
You can practice the Wim Hof Method by yourself with the help of our Fundamentals online video course. During the videos, Wim teaches you everything you need to know about his method and how you can incorporate its principles into your daily life. The online video course enables you to practice the method at your own pace and at a place and time that suits you. This means that even people with very stressful and demanding lives, such as professional sports athletes and celebrities, can benefit from the Wim Hof Method.
The three pillars
The Wim Hof Method is a combination of three powerful pillars, which are breathing technique, focus, and controlled exposure to cold. Together, these pillars have the power to transform your life and to make you a happier, healthier and stronger person. People who have practiced the method report many benefits such as better sleep, more energy, faster recovery from physical exercise, increased willpower, and relief from symptoms related to diseases such as arthritis, COPD, and fibromyalgia. The Wim Hof Method has even sparked the attention of a growing number of scientists, who have begun to unravel the physical mechanisms behind the method. You can read about the results of their research here.
Wim Hof Method References
Wim Hof Method is assesed on average with an 9.5 out of 10 based on 2147 experiences written by participants