Wim Hof Method

Discover your true potential. Join Wim Hof's Winter Expedition — March 9 to 15

Practice Whm

What is the Wim Hof Method®?

Discover more about this simple yet powerful method and start practicing today.

The Wim Hof method® can be defined by its simple, easy-to-apply approach and its strong scientific foundation. It’s a practical way to become happier, healthier and stronger.
realise your full potential

Realise your full potential

Over time, our relationship with the world we live in has changed. Our lifestyles have disconnected us from the natural environment.

Because of this disconnection, our age-old survival mechanisms are no longer triggered and we’ve lost touch with our inner power.

Through decades of self-exploration and groundbreaking scientific studies, Wim has created a simple, effective way to stimulate these deep physiological processes and realise our full potential.

The Wim Hof Method is about reconnecting us - to ourselves, to others and to nature.

The Method is based on three powerful pillars

Breathing Wim Hof Method


The first pillar of the Wim Hof Method® is breathing. We’re always breathing, yet we’re mostly unaware of its tremendous potential. Heightened oxygen levels hold a treasure trove of benefits, and the specialized breathing technique of the Wim Hof Method® unearths them all: more energy, reduced stress levels, and an augmented immune response that swiftly deals with pathogens.

Cold therapy Wim Hof Method

Cold therapy

The cold is your warm friend and one of the three pillars of the Wim Hof Method®. Proper exposure to the cold starts a cascade of health benefits, including the buildup of brown adipose tissue and resultant fat loss, reduced inflammation that facilitates a fortified immune system, balanced hormone levels, improved sleep quality, and the production of endorphins— the feel-good chemicals in the brain that naturally elevate your mood.

Commitment Whm


The third pillar of the Wim Hof Method® is the foundation of the other two: both cold exposure and conscious breathing require patience and dedication in order to be fully mastered. Armed with focus and determination you are ready to explore and eventually master your own body and mind.

Unlock the benefits

The power of the Wim Hof Method® is the combination of the three pillars. A committed, consistent practice including the breathing technique and cold exposure can help you unlock a host of benefits including;

  • Increased energy
  • Better sleep
  • Reduced stress levels
  • Heightened focus & determination
  • Increased willpower
  • Stronger immune system

Discover more benefits of the Wim Hof Method®.

unlock the benefits

Start practicing the method

Wim’s mission is to share the power of breathing, cold exposure and commitment with as many people as possible.

That's why we offer a range of ways to help you learn the Wim Hof Method®. If you’re new, we recommend downloading the mobile app or signing up to the mini class.

Or explore ways you can take your practice deeper below.

Looking to go deeper?

Been practicing with the mobile app for sometime or maybe you’re an all-or-nothing, jump in with both feet kind of person?

We’ve got a range of ways for you to immerse yourself in the Wim Hof Method®; learn from home with our online video courses; get in-person coaching from a local certified instructor; be part of a life-changing retreat; or experience Wim Hof live.

Find the way that suits you below.

Learn from home

Learn from home

We offer two different 10-week online video courses. Both are suitable for all levels and are fully integrated into the mobile app.

Take a fun, easy to follow journey into the what & why with the Fundamentals Course, or take a more self-guided approach and learn the old school Wim Hof Method® with the Classic Course.

Learn near you

Learn near you

Come and enjoy the energy of a group breathing session and feel the support of the tribe in the ice during an in-person workshop or week-long retreat.

Guided by certified instructors, these activities are an excellent way to explore the Wim Hof Method®, for beginners and more experienced practitioners alike.

Learn from Wim

Learn from Wim

See Wim live across Europe, North America or Australia, join him for a weekend in The Netherlands or book a spot on one of the coveted week-long expeditions.

You’ll be won over by Wim and carried away by his energy and enthusiasm during these one-of-a-kind events.

Backed by science

Backed by science

Discover Wim's journey from circus act to the scientific breakthrough that kick-started his mission and propelled him to becoming a global health leader.

For many years Wim’s incredible achievements were thought scientifically impossible and he was viewed as nothing more than a circus act. Things quickly changed in 2011 following the first Radboud University study which showed he was able to voluntarily influence his autonomic nervous system.

Since then Wim has continued to submit himself and his method for scientific study and research institutions continue to explore the potential of the Wim Hof Method®.

View the scientific research to date and download a comprehensive eBook on the science behind the Wim Hof Method® by visiting the science page.

Hear from Hoffers

Discover below about the impact the Wim Hof Method has on our community or read why these people make the Wim Hof Method part of their life.

Per Kristian, Testimonial Wim Hof
Per Kristian, United Kingdom
After 3 weeks of daily practicing my medication (Naproxen) for long-standing sciatica has been cut by 80%, and my arm pain and 'pins and needles' following a neck injury 50 years ago has been halved!
Arthur, Testimonial Wim Hof
Arthur, USA
I got anxiety 2+ years ago, and have had panic attacks every day since. Medicine helped a little. I came across your videos and started to walk my 2 miles a day in only a t-shirt at 20F degrees. Within 2 weeks my anxiety went away! I found it to be a miracle.
James, Testimonial Wim Hof
James, USA
I’ve had astonishing results battling addiction with the Wim Hof Method. It has saved my life and is the only thing that worked on getting clean and healthy. I go ahead and get my suffering over with in the cold showers, so I don't have to suffer throughout the day. Pretty good trade to...
Georg, Testimonial Wim Hof
Georg, Germany
Cardiac and respiratory arrest began my life. Heart defect and cleft palate pushed diseases. Depression, lack of self-efficacy, and post traumatic stress disorder followed. The Wim Hof Method frees me: I am twenty-nine years old, and I love to live. Thank you!
Grant, Testimonial Wim Hof
Grant, Australia
I was born with Spina Bifida, and was told I would end up in a wheelchair. After incorporating the Wim Hof Method into my daily life I have begun to see results in my pain levels and athleticism. I am no longer looking down the barrel of becoming a paraplegic, and I attribute that in part to the...
Raúl, Testimonial Wim Hof
Raúl, The Netherlands
From the 90s to 2012 I developed hayfever symptoms and had to take daily medications in order to cope. The effect of these medications only lasted for several hours. By using the Wim Hof Method training daily, my body has conquered hayfever symptoms since 2013.
Erik, Testimonial Wim Hof
Erik, USA
I chose the Fundamentals course because I wanted to learn the how and the why to the method. The biggest change I noticed is my mindset. Instead of reading the thermometer and cringing, I see it as an opportunity to endure some short-term discomfort for long-term health benefits.
Witske, Testimonial Wim Hof
Witske, The Netherlands
The reason I started the course is because I was curious about the effects it would have on my arthritis and my energy level. To my surprise the arthritis in my hands totally disappeared and my energy level went over the roof. Every morning my husband and I do the WHM and we feel so...
Ida, Testimonial Wim Hof
Ida, USA
A few years back I was rushed to hospital with an afib (fast heart beat). After going through many tests, I realized the answers to healing are within us. My search brought me outside of the traditional medical system and I learned about Wim. By doing my daily exercices and taking cold showers...
Johnny, Testimonial Wim Hof
Johnny, UK
The Wim Hof Method has now been part of my daily routine for over 2 years and the transformation has been amazing. My anxiety levels have reduced significantly and I now lead a much more fulfilling life where I regularly take on challenges I would never have dreamt possible.
Dion, Testimonial Wim Hof
Dion, USA
This man literally changed my life for the better and I will tell anybody and everybody this! My picture was taken after completing the Fundamentals course. Pretty good for a 50 year old.  
Benjamin Testimonial Wim Hof
I started the Wim Hof method in October of 2018, and now the holes I had in my brain are gone. My neurosurgeon was so impressed by the scans that he told me I don't have to come back anymore. I take this as proof that this method works to regenerate brain tissue.

Ready to get started?

Get Wim-spired and start your journey today.