Wim Hof Method
5 August, 2020

Breathing & Blood Sugar

Can WHM breathing improve your blood glucose level?

6 May, 2020

The stoner’s guide to the Wim Hof Method

How are breathing and cold showers related to the endocannabinoid system?

10 April, 2020

Staying positive and healthy during the COVID-19 outbreak

Learn how you can stay positive and healthy during the COVID-19 outbreak, by practicing The Wim Hof Method.

11 September, 2019

Sexual Kung Fu

Breathe your sex life to the next level.

1 August, 2019

Self-Care: Protecting Yourself Against Burnout

Learn how to prevent burnout before it takes root.

10 May, 2019 - news

The secret weapon against stress is meditation

Work’s worst enemy is stress. Meditate on that.

1 June, 2018

Blogcast: Mindfulness Meets Wim Hof Method

SotR #14: Dina & Matthias talk to neuroscientist Britta Hölzel about how WHM breathing sessions appear conducive to meditation, mindfulness & stress reduction, and the neural mechanisms at play.

29 December, 2017

How the WHM Helps Me Manage Stress

Michael McTate speaks on his stifled stress levels & the subsequent ripple effects.