Wim Hof Method

Mario Ströhlein

Level 2

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Fitness Coach

Training Specialty:
expanding comfort zones

Ammersee, Deutschland

Be water my friend. - Bruce Lee

Instructor Level

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            Experience the Wim Hof Method to get an impression of  at
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            Experience the Wim Hof Method to get an impression of  at
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            Experience the Wim Hof Method to get an impression of  at
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            Experience the Wim Hof Method to get an impression of  at
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            Experience the Wim Hof Method to get an impression of  at
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            Experience the Wim Hof Method to get an impression of  at
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            Experience the Wim Hof Method to get an impression of  at
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            Experience the Wim Hof Method to get an impression of  at
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            Experience the Wim Hof Method to get an impression of  at
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            Experience the Wim Hof Method to get an impression of  at
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            Experience the Wim Hof Method to get an impression of  at


Hello, I am Mario Ströhlein,

I come from the beautiful Fünfseenland region in Bavaria close to Munich. I am a father of a daughter, adventurer and personal trainer.

Even as a child, I loved playing in the water and exercising outdoors. For a long time, I was on a quest to find natural ways to boost my health and fitness. This journey led me to the Wim Hof Method and its Academy through training as a nutritionist and studying Fitness & Health Management.

The WHM has helped me to manage inflammatory processes in my body and has reconnected me with my inner strength, but also with the outer power, nature. I also always look forward to meeting interesting and interested people and their stories.

My focus is to optimize mental and physical strength in a holistic way. This includes quality organic nutrition with periods of fasting, cold weather training in nature, increasing your comfort zone, breath training and meditation. I see nature and connection to nature as an important resource to help us humans become happy, healthy and strong.


The sparkle in your eyes when you relax in the ice bath or arrive back after breathing is the greatest gift to me! Thank you for letting me be a part of this and for your trust in my coaching!


Hallo, ich bin Mario Ströhlein,

Ich komme aus der wunderschönen Fünfseenland-Region in der Nähe von München, Bayern. Ich bin Vater einer Tochter, Abenteurer und Personal Trainer.

Schon als Kind liebte ich das Spielen im Wasser und die Bewegung im Freien. Lange Zeit war ich auf der Suche nach natürlichen Wegen, um meine Gesundheit und meine Fitness zu stärken. Diese Reise führte mich über eine Ausbildung zum Ernährungsberater und ein Fitness & Health Management Studium zu der Wim Hof Methode und ihrer Academy.

Die WHM hat mir geholfen, entzündliche Prozesse im Körper in den Griff zu bekommen und hat mich mit meiner inneren Stärke, aber auch mit der äußeren Kraft, der Natur - neu verbunden. Außerdem freue ich mich immer wieder darauf, interessante und interessierte Menschen sowie ihre Geschichten kennenzulernen.

Mein Fokus liegt darin, die geistige und körperliche Stärke in einer ganzheitlichen Weise zu optimieren. Das beinhaltet hochwertige biologische Ernährung mit Fastenperioden, Kältetraining in der Natur, die Vergrößerung der Komfortzone, Atemtraining und Meditation. Ich sehe die Natur und die Verbindung zur Natur als eine wichtige Ressource, die uns Menschen hilft, glücklich, gesund und stark zu werden.

Der Glanz in deinen Augen, wenn du dich im Eisbad entspannst oder nach dem Atmen wieder ankommst, ist für mich das Größte! Vielen Dank, dass ich daran teilhaben darf und für das Vertrauen in mein Coaching!

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Hello, I am Mario Ströhlein,

I come from the beautiful Fünfseenland region in Bavaria close to Munich. I am a father of a daughter, adventurer and personal trainer.

Even as a child, I loved playing in the water and exercising outdoors. For a long time, I was on a quest to find natural ways to boost my health and fitness. This journey led me to the Wim Hof Method and its Academy through training as a nutritionist and studying Fitness & Health Management.

The WHM has helped me to manage inflammatory processes in my body and has reconnected me with my inner strength, but also with the outer power, nature. I also always look forward to meeting interesting and interested people and their s...

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Mario Ströhlein

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