Yves Bernaerts
Level 1

Training Specialty:
Science, fasting.
Lisboa, Portugal
Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better.
Instructor Level

PhD in neural science and researcher at Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown in Lisbon
WHM instructor since 2019
+351 911 747 337 or dyfkebernaerts@hotmail.com or Instagram
My current mission is to harmonize science and spirituality, especially at the intersection of neural science with the Wim Hof Method.
Now, let me jump right in...
... not in an icebath yet, but a short backstory.
Life, in all its complexity, has been my biggest drive since young. That quickly led me to pursue a bachelor in physics, thinking that life might be mainly understood in mathematical equations. The field eventually changed to one of neural science, in which I did a PhD in 2023.
For about 25 years of my life, however, I had to cope with immune system issues including asthma, eczema and allergies. Desperately trying to find a solution, it was not until I encounterd fasting that these issues improved dramatically. My first realisation that life can be understood in different ways, including one from within.
Here comes Wim Hof, however, seemingly hacking into his immune system in just about 15 minutes! That immediately got me intruiged and the practice taught me that there is so much more potential within us. He taught me the body (not just his!) is well capable of handling freezing temperatures. You just need deep breathing and directed focus.
So I started to delve deep in life with one foot in science and another foot in meditative practices including deep breathing and cold exposure. My current endeavour therefore is to harmonize both fields. I try to unravel where they match, and don't match (yet).
Reach out if you're interested in more:
+351 911 747 337 or dyfkebernaerts@hotmail.com or Instagram
PhD in neural science and researcher at Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown in Lisbon
WHM instructor since 2019
+351 911 747 337 or dyfkebernaerts@hotmail.com or Instagram
My current mission is to harmonize science and spirituality, especially at the intersection of neural science with the Wim Hof Method.
Now, let me jump right in...
... not in an icebath yet, but a short backstory.
Life, in all its complexity, has been my biggest drive since young. That quickly led me to pursue a bachelor in physics, thinking that life might be mainly understood in mathematical equations. The field eventually changed to one of neural science, in which I did a PhD in 2023.
For about 25 years of my life,...
Yves Bernaerts