Toni Medcalf
Level 2

London, UK
"The greatest joy in life is doing what people say you can't"... Walter Bagehot
Instructor Level

As a psychotherapist, mindfulness practioner and yoga teacher I thought that I had all of the tools needed when I get anxious, worried or stressed. However, in 2021, the rug was pulled from underneath me and I found that none of those tools worked for me. This is when I discovered the Wim Hof Method. I was blown away by the impact this simple and free practise had on my health and wellbeing. Whilst many of the stresses that occurred in 2021 are still in my life I am much more able to deal with them and find myself happier and healthier. I am now so passionate about this method that I woudl like to share my story and help others experience the benefits.
Toni Medcalf