Wim Hof Method

Sunna Miriam Sigurdardottir

Level 1

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First Aid

Training Specialty:
Wim Hof Method instructor. First aid


Instructor Level

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            Experience the Wim Hof Method to get an impression of  at
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            Experience the Wim Hof Method to get an impression of  at
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            Experience the Wim Hof Method to get an impression of  at
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            Experience the Wim Hof Method to get an impression of  at
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            Experience the Wim Hof Method to get an impression of  at
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            Experience the Wim Hof Method to get an impression of  at
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            Experience the Wim Hof Method to get an impression of  at
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            Experience the Wim Hof Method to get an impression of  at
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            Experience the Wim Hof Method to get an impression of  at
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            Experience the Wim Hof Method to get an impression of  at
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            Experience the Wim Hof Method to get an impression of  at
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            Experience the Wim Hof Method to get an impression of  at
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            Experience the Wim Hof Method to get an impression of  at

Icelandic below

The Wim Hof Method helped me gain my physical and mental health after suffering a severe burnout a few years ago.

I would love to guide you on your journey and teach you  about this amazing method that is so easy and accessible to feel happy, healthy and strong.

- You can do much more then you think -

A little about me:

I am Icelandic (half norwegian) mother of 4 working as a Wim Hof Method instructor in Reykjavik.

A few years ago I suffered a severe burnout having symptoms like:


Anxiety attacks


Constant and unexplained aches in my body

Rapid heartbeat/extra beats


Hand tremors

Social phobia


Lack of modivation

I took anti-depressants and anti-anxiety meds, but I thought to myself, this can't be right.  I´m young, fit and supposed to be perfectly healthy.

I longed for a solution where I could regain my powers, find my joy and laughter again, without medication.

I knew the power was within me but didn't know how to reach it.

I watched a documentary about Wim Hof and immediately felt my interest piqued and I wanted to know more.  

I attended a workshop to learn more about this method.  There I found what I had been looking for, that I could harness my energy and that I was in control.

Before I knew it, I had arrived in Poland to study to become a Wim Hof Method instructor.

There I went through the whole range of emotions and had a hard but also my funnest time. Big and small victories were won and a huge change took place inside of me.


Wim Hof aðferðin hjálpaði mér að ná líkamlegri og andlegri heilsu eftir að hafa orðið fyrir alvarlegri kulnun fyrir nokkrum árum.

Það myndi veita mér mikla gleði að leiðbeina þér á ferðalagi þínu og fræða þig um þessa mögnuðu aðferð sem er svo auðveld og aðgengileg.

- Þú getur gert miklu meira en þú heldur -

Smá um mig:

Ég er íslensk (hálf norsk) 4 barna móðir sem starfar sem Wim Hof leiðbeinandi í Reykjavík.

Fyrir nokkrum árum gekk ég í gegnum mikla kulnun, einkenni mín voru meðal annars:




Stöðugir og óútskýrðir verkir í líkama mínum

Hraður hjartsláttur/aukaslög






Ég tók þunglyndislyf og kvíðalyf en hugsaði með mér, þetta getur ekki verið rétt. Ég er ung og á að vera fullkomlega heilbrigð.

Ég þráði lausn þar sem ég gæti endurheimt krafta mína, fundið gleði mína og hlátur aftur, án lyfja.

Ég vissi að krafturinn var innra með mér en vissi ekki hvernig ég ætti að sækja hann.

Ég horfði á heimildarmynd um Wim Hof og fann strax hvernig áhugi minn vaknaði og mig langaði að vita meira.

Ég fór á námskeið til að læra meira um þessa aðferð. Þar fann ég það sem ég hafði verið að leita að, að ég gæti nýtt orkuna og að ég væri við stjórnvölinn.

Áður en ég vissi af var ég kominn til Póllands til að læra að verða Wim Hof leiðbeinandi.

Þar fór ég í gegnum allt tilfinningasviðið og átti erfiða en líka minn skemmtilegasta tíma. Stórir og smáir sigrar voru unnir og mikil breyting varð innra með mér.


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Icelandic below

The Wim Hof Method helped me gain my physical and mental health after suffering a severe burnout a few years ago.

I would love to guide you on your journey and teach you  about this amazing method that is so easy and accessible to feel happy, healthy and strong.

- You can do much more then you think -

A little about me:

I am Icelandic (half norwegian) mother of 4 working as a Wim Hof Method instructor in Reykjavik.

A few years ago I suffered a severe burnout having symptoms like:


Anxiety attacks


Constant and unexplained aches in my body

Rapid heartbeat/extra beats


Hand tremors

Social phobia


Lack of modivation

I took anti-de... Read more

Sunna Miriam Sigurdardottir

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