Wim Hof Method

Patrik Nilsson

Level 1

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Training Specialty:

Gothenburg, Sweden

I was a boring shadow of myself, and became a man with a strong lifeforce, health and happines, thanks to the Wim Hof Method!

Instructor Level

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            Experience the Wim Hof Method to get an impression of  at
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            Experience the Wim Hof Method to get an impression of  at
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            Experience the Wim Hof Method to get an impression of  at
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            Experience the Wim Hof Method to get an impression of  at
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            Experience the Wim Hof Method to get an impression of  at
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            Experience the Wim Hof Method to get an impression of  at

When my wife and I was excpecting our first child (we now have 3 boys), I was a man who lived a life that wasn´t the real me, i was a tired, boring, shadow of my true self.

During a morning run in 2015 i suddenly felt a strong urge to go into the freezing cold ocean, something inside me changed and i started to feel alive again.

I continued playing with the cold for a couple of mounths and suddenly i stumbled across a Podcast with a crazy guy calling himself "The Iceman", i instinctivitly knew that this man had something to tell me and threw myself over the podcast.

The more i listend, the more my jaw dropped, Wim was talking about his life and how he found the cold (a story very similar to mine), he also talked about all the science and benefits from both the Cold, the Breathing and also Mindset.

Directly after the podcast i decided to learn more and started to educate myself with his Online Workshops called Fundamentals.

After been practising the method for a few years i decided that i wan´t to change my path and become a WHM-instructor, doing all i can to help people become the best version of themselfs and be a part of spreading the Wim Hof Method all over the world.

This method has helped me to become the best version of myself, for myself, my family, friends and everybody around me. Whoha!

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When my wife and I was excpecting our first child (we now have 3 boys), I was a man who lived a life that wasn´t the real me, i was a tired, boring, shadow of my true self.

During a morning run in 2015 i suddenly felt a strong urge to go into the freezing cold ocean, something inside me changed and i started to feel alive again.

I continued playing with the cold for a couple of mounths and suddenly i stumbled across a Podcast with a crazy guy calling himself "The Iceman", i instinctivitly knew that this man had something to tell me and threw myself over the podcast.

The more i listend, the more my jaw dropped, Wim was talking about his life and how he found the cold (a story very similar ...

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Patrik Nilsson

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