Kylie Brons
Level 1

Training Specialty:
Orthomolecular Epigenetics, Integrative Nutrition & Holistic Health Coach, Certified Yoga Intructor, Meditation and Nidra Teacher, Breathing Techniques, Physical Activity, Psychology of Eating, International vision and experience, BA Communication Sciences, Mind-body Integration, Functional Integrative Health, Wellbeing
Utrecht, Nederland
Integrative Nutrition Holistic Health Coach, Orthomolecular epigenetic medicine therapist, Certified Yoga instructor
Instructor Level

The art of your wellbeing.
‘’You are as well a work of art as you are the artist creating it.’’
My name is Kylie Brons and I am on a journey to optimize wellbeing. A student of life for life and strive to keep up-to-date with constantly evolving methods in wellness, nutrition, physical activity, spirituality. I work with clients to create innovative, effective wellness strategies.Â
You are unique
As an Integrative Nutrition and Holistic Health Coach, Orthomolecular epigenetic medicine therapist, Certified Yoga Teacher, Tantric Women's Coach, Meditation Teacher, Wellness Consultant with a BA in Communication Sciences, I help people to optimize and integrate wellbeing. I see every single human being as an unique work of art. Science reveals that our bodies and minds are unique systems. I believe that every person is unique, every single body is unique and every mind is unique. I believe there's no "one way fits all". So I invite you, to find your way, your innate wisdom and power. This method is an efficient way to meet your innate power, to be present in your body and to feel. Working with me means working with you, I am just there to show you the way to your innate wisdom and strength.
''The cold is a crystal clear mirror reflecting your beliefs, thoughts and state of being.''
The WHM is a very effective way to create insight and presence in the body-mind. The cold is crystal clear mirror reflecting your very own beliefs, thoughts and state of being to you. This method is a way to check in with the body-mind that provides clear insight.
Feeling is understanding, you can do so much more than you think you can.
You can do so much more than your mind thinks you can, feeling is understanding, measuring is knowing. The WHM made me feel my innate power, strength and courage. This method is empowering you to optimize your health, awareness and wellbeing, and I would love to invite you. I would be delighted to share this method with you. However, the credit is for you. Working with me, means working with you, I am just there to guide you. To be your tour guide, to show you the way. My workshops are a journey through yourself, through your body-mind and energy.
I offer workshops internationally. Predominantly, in Cape Town and The Netherlands. I offer both private as well as group trainings. Currently, I offer workshops at yoga studio’s in Cape Town, Amersfoort, Utrecht and Amsterdam.
For all my life I have been seeking ways to optimize health, lifestyle and wellbeing. My heart is filled with gratitude for all my teachers, studies and experiences. I am a student of life for life, I love to grow and learn. I believe that nature is always evolving, and you are part of it, so you too can be evolving. I see you living an active and meaningful life. I see you living the best version of yourself. I see you living a life you are proud of, I see you living a life that you enjoy.
Take a little look through my eyes..
''I see every human being as a work of art, a work in progress, that is never truly finished. A work of art that has the potential to grow, change and evolve. I see the artist in you. I see wellbeing and joie de vivre as creative expressions.''
The art of your wellbeing.
‘’You are as well a work of art as you are the artist creating it.’’
My name is Kylie Brons and I am on a journey to optimize wellbeing. A student of life for life and strive to keep up-to-date with constantly evolving methods in wellness, nutrition, physical activity, spirituality. I work with clients to create innovative, effective wellness strategies.Â
You are unique
As an Integrative Nutrition and Holistic Health Coach, Orthomolecular epigenetic medicine therapist, Certified Yoga Teacher, Tantric Women's Coach, Meditation Teacher, Wellness Consultant with a BA in Communication Sciences, I help people to optimize and integrate wellbeing. I see every single h...
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