Wim Hof Method

Keith Steel

Level 1

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First Aid
Mindfulness Coach

Nelson, BC, Canada

I was transformed by the WHM, lets start your transformation!

Instructor Level



Why attend a fundamentals workshop?

I asked myself the same question along with other, very important questions along these lines… Do I really need to go? What if the others are mean to me? What will the monster under my bed do while I'm out for the day? I have so many excuses for every eventuality. However, WHM taught me to go towards difficult things, so I attended the workshop. At the time, I had been practicing the method for 3 years, the funny thing is, my breathing was all wrong. I’d never done a breathing assessment correctly and never even breathed correctly in the cold shower, or ice bath or worse… the river. Instructors can give insight and tools to improve everything about your daily practice. No matter how long you've been breathing, or, like me, how long you think you've been doing it right.

If you want to take your first foray into the cold, understand more about the method overall, experience the method in a group setting or just push yourself further in your practice, you will gain something from the fundamentals workshop. Actually, you should attend the workshop for any reason you want.

In every fundamentals workshop we stretch, we get to know each other, we learn and we practice as a group, ending the workshop with a nice warming horse stance after an ice bath. You can expect a full run through of the method in the safety of a controlled environment and a qualified instructor. The presentation covers all 3 pillars of the method and how Wim Hof has brought ancient practices to modern life and modern science, with incredible benefits. Making us Happier, Stronger and Healthier.

By putting yourself in my hands, you will receive the expertise of a WHM instructor, and the tools you learn will change your daily practice for the better. Real life examples of how I have helped people grow within their practice includes:

Targeted breathing into a particular area of the body to increase oxygen intake.

Demonstrating how to breathe correctly in the ice bath.

Creating an understanding that it is possible to just be in discomfort and accept it.

Let’s get started on this together and improve the lives of yourself and those around you. I am confident you will benefit from, and enjoy the experience.

A bit more about me.

How did I find the Wim Hof method? Simply a combination of good and bad luck. After creating, what I believed to be, a near perfect life, my partner and I took a 5 month trip around the northern hemisphere to meet the in-laws on both sides. Deciding not to return to the love of our adopted community in New Zealand, we decided Canada is the place on earth we can be most useful now.

On the face of it, things sound amazing but after a couple of things don’t work out as expected my mental health spiraled downward. I suffered from depression, couldn't get out of bed and had no interest in making the most of a BC fall and winter. How could this be?

The bad luck had begun, having been on 4 continents, 8 countries, 65 flights and countless taxis, trains and tuk-tuks. The highs of Hawai’i, fun of Formula 1, magic of midsummer in Iceland and the candles on cakes in Cambodia… Life was now stagnant, Unable to work due to immigration laws, unable to connect in real life with friends and family and often alone for days at a time, the masculine ego was bruised and broken by watching my partner work 12 hour days and sleep on couches because there was no public transport home and no car for me to pick her up from work. It’s fair to say I was in despair and for the first time in life, I was helpless and hopeless. The good luck was that someone feeling just as helpless and hopeless came to the rescue by introducing me to the Wim Hof Method. It wasn’t exactly happy ever after but my recovery experience is broken down pillar by pillar and is as follows.


Feelings, at best, were distant for me in the best scenarios but I learned so much about how to go inside and begin to observe them, this was a much needed connection with myself that no amount of likes and comments could match. 

Cold Exposure

Lying in bed wasn't so easy when my brain craved the 100,000km rush of a cold shower or making a snow angel in my underwear. I had a reason to get up and feel good again


The sense of achievement that comes along with doing something difficult and doing it daily was something I had lost in a very short space of time. Commitment to cold showers and breathing allowed me to improve and get back on track. These achievements were also shared on socials, something that brought me back toward friends and community. Often they would ask about the method or just plain tell me I’m insane. I had connection again. The method always has a way of bringing people together.

The three pillars opened the door to much more self disciple, self improvement and self discovery. The journey continues every day so please, no matter where you are on your journey, know that I am happy and privileged to join you on your way to a better life.

Keith Stee

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Why attend a fundamentals workshop?

I asked myself the same question along with other, very important questions along these lines… Do I really need to go? What if the others are mean to me? What will the monster under my bed do while I'm out for the day? I have so many excuses for every eventuality. However, WHM taught me to go towards difficult things, so I attended the workshop. At the time, I had been practicing the method for 3 years, the funny thing is, my breathing was all wrong. I’d never done a breathing assessment correctly and never even breathed correctly in the cold shower, or ice bath or worse… the river. Instructors can give insight and tools to improve everything about you...

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