Wim Hof Method

Kateryna Shakhmatova

Level 1

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Training Specialty:
Opera singer and vocal coach


Hello,dear friends ! I am opera singer and vocal coach for 10 years. And I wish to preserve life on this planet.

Instructor Level

I came into this world with the loudest voice in the hospital. I shouldn't have been born, but my mother kept me alive. Practicing the Wim Hof ​​Method since 2021, I have dived so deeply, cured all my chronic diseases and realized that my mission is not only to sing, but also to save people's lives, living according to the law of the Universe! I am studying Holistic Medicine, Ayurveda and the Spiritual Path to be able to help even more. My mission is to bring healing as an Art: healing with cold, breath, thought and sound. This world should feel better because people are suffering so much these days and I scream out loud about how you can get on the path of healing! Come to my world and I will open it for you! Read less
I came into this world with the loudest voice in the hospital. I shouldn't have been born, but my mother kept me alive. Practicing the Wim Hof ​​Method since 2021, I have dived so deeply, cured all my chronic diseases and realized that my mission is not only to sing, but also to save people's lives, living according to the law of the Universe! I am studying Holistic Medicine, Ayurveda and the Spiritual Path to be able to help even more. My mission is to bring healing as an Art: healing with cold, breath, thought and sound. This world should feel better because people are suffering so much these days and I scream out loud about how you can get on the path of healing! Come to my world and Read more

Kateryna Shakhmatova

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