Eric Koert
Level 1

Training Specialty:
Vipassana & the Wim Hof Method
Segantinisteig 2, Zürich, Switzerland
Contact me for Meditation and WHM at events worldwide! Experience the beauty of life by getting out of your head, into your body!
Instructor Level

Experience the beauty of life!
All we need for that is to get out of our head, into our body! ..and that is exactly what we do when we practice the Wim Hof Method [WHM].
What does it mean to get into our body? It means that we move inside and connect with ourselves, it means that we move from abstract concepts into the direct experience of our lifeforce. Concepts and ideas are useful instruments that we can use to navigate our way through this life, but when we become overly identified with them we lose touch with what and who we truly are.
I started regularly practicing WHM in early 2016, at a time when my world had just crumbled apart and life felt meaningless. I now know that the cause of this sudden introduction to depression was in fact never due to the circumstances; the truth is that I had lost touch with my inner being, my intuition, and my inner wisdom.
The WHM helped to keep mentally stable and get off my ass and start walking the Camino, breathing day in day out, which then lead me to a Shinto pilgrimage in Japan, and to China, practicing Kung Fu in the Wu Tang mountains.
At the end of 2016, in Malaysia, I joined my first meditation retreat: Vipassana, based on the teachings of Sayadaw U Tejaniya. This was the wake-up call I needed. After realizing the value of awareness, I meditated without end and was hooked to investigating the nature of reality, or rather our perception and experience of it.
After many lessons along the way, I came back to WHM with all my heart, and started training rigorously in the ice to become a WHM instructor. Now, I have come to the point that I wish to pass on my understanding of meditation and the Wim Hof Method, and help people to also become Happy, Strong, and Healthy! :)
I am a Dutchman currently based in Zurich, Switzerland, and I'm open to instruct at events worldwide! Feel free to connect with me on the WHM platform or via social media if you have any questions or if you have an event coming up and you need a WHM instructor.
Peace, love & strength,
Eric Koert
Read lessExperience the beauty of life!
All we need for that is to get out of our head, into our body! ..and that is exactly what we do when we practice the Wim Hof Method [WHM].
What does it mean to get into our body? It means that we move inside and connect with ourselves, it means that we move from abstract concepts into the direct experience of our lifeforce. Concepts and ideas are useful instruments that we can use to navigate our way through this life, but when we become overly identified with them we lose touch with what and who we truly are.
I started regularly practicing WHM in early 2016, at a time when my world had just crumbled apart and life felt meaningless. I now know that the cause...
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