Wim Hof Method

Edward Cade

Level 1

Filled Star Filled Star Filled Star Filled Star Filled Star (7)
Mindfulness Coach
Fitness Coach

Training Specialty:
Nature immersion, méditation and finding a better you

Arpaillargues-et-Aureillac, France

Bienvenue sur notre terrain de 3 générations de familles. Entouré par les chênes nous sommes heureux de vous accueillir .

Instructor Level

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            Experience the Wim Hof Method to get an impression of  at

I was first drawn to the cold North Sea as a teenager and developed a deep connection to surfing and nature for many years. My family and I then made a huge decision to Leave England and chose to live closer to nature in a woodland haven in Uzes ,Southern France. The WHM came into my life during Covid. Suffering with depression the 3 pillars helped me enormously with my mental health and encouraged me to create a local winter dipping crew. Seeing the hugely positive results in other people has led me to now to become an instructor and be able teach others the beauty and power of this method in a safe environment ♥️


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