Wim Hof Method

Dina Haller

Level 1

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Training Specialty:
Being mindful; introspective and empathic

Freienwil, Switzerland

Thinking about yourself as a creator of life, taking care of your mind and body nothing can stop u walking your path of self-love.

Instructor Level


As a therapist the mind- others call it soul or psyche - is always a central focus of the therapeutic session. Specialized in trauma- therapy, breathwork has always been incorporated in my work. Getting to know Wim Hof, reading about his story and method intentionally created a feeling of wanting to learn more about it. Knowing even more about physiological backgrounds, power of the mind and through my ongoing experience with WHM- a redefinition of my mental and physical limits took place. I am very keen to pass on this whole universe of understanding the power that lies within each one of us.

Knowing by heart and experience that the pillar “mindset/commitment” of the WHM is a paramount, the sentence “do not believe everything that you think” has always been a paramount in my therapeutic sessions. 

Also because of this parallel I want to transmit this strong inner power that lies within each one of us: our thoughts. We create them by being brought up in a certain way f. ex. by life experience. So, the power of the mind coupled with the other two pillars of (gradual) cold exposure and mindful breathwork is such a strong threesome which scientifically proven- improves one’s life quality. 


 "Come on" – let´s start or/and continue your journey of fully becoming aware about the wonderful and high potential that lies within each one of you.


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As a therapist the mind- others call it soul or psyche - is always a central focus of the therapeutic session. Specialized in trauma- therapy, breathwork has always been incorporated in my work. Getting to know Wim Hof, reading about his story and method intentionally created a feeling of wanting to learn more about it. Knowing even more about physiological backgrounds, power of the mind and through my ongoing experience with WHM- a redefinition of my mental and physical limits took place. I am very keen to pass on this whole universe of understanding the power that lies within each one of us.

Knowing by heart and experience that the pillar “mindset/commitment” of the WHM is a paramount, t...

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