Wim Hof Method

Denis Crean

Level 1

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Training Specialty:
Coach - Wim Hof Method, Swimming and Endurance Training

Washington, DC

Denis believes in the power of the anecdote created in each of us during every breathing and cold water experience.

Instructor Level

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            Experience the Wim Hof Method to get an impression of  at
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            Experience the Wim Hof Method to get an impression of  at
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            Experience the Wim Hof Method to get an impression of  at
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            Experience the Wim Hof Method to get an impression of  at
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            Experience the Wim Hof Method to get an impression of  at
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            Experience the Wim Hof Method to get an impression of  at
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            Experience the Wim Hof Method to get an impression of  at

Becoming a Wim Hof Certified Instructor for Denis Crean was a natural progression of cold and open water swimming experiences, learning from curiosity and experimentation. Now his mission is to share the past 20 years of his discoveries of how synthesizing our relationship with Nature and cold water, breathing into deeper physiology and powering the mind beyond limits, empowers each of us and our community. Denis guides you to rediscover a greater spirit within and the Wim Hof Method provides the perfect platform in which to do so.

As an endurance athlete, his attraction to Wim Hof was instantly captivating. Denis’ background in cold water swimming, having completed an ice mile (a mile below 5C/40F, no wetsuit), provided the understanding mindset and commitment to challenge mind and body into the uncomfortable and reap the benefits that science is beginning to prove. Since then, he completed the English Channel as the oldest swimmer in 2023 at 63.

Denis believes in the power of the anecdote created in each of us during each breathing and cold-water practice. He encourages patience to explore and follow how personal curiosity becomes inner strength and knowledge. It is our own superpower.

A recent study concludes “Combined cold-water immersion and breathwork may be associated with improved mental health.” During the past five years of practicing the Wim Hof Method, Denis agrees first hand. He enjoys major relief from winter depression, a sharper mind, more creativity and a better functioning circulatory system. He is happier. His 18 year old daughter says, “he’s just a better dad (not that he wasn’t good before).

In 2023 he became a certified Wim Hof Method instructor and formed a non-profit organization to enthusiastically share the benefits of the Method and encourage others to courageously pursue their own journeys to serenity and well being, better performance, and happier lives.

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Becoming a Wim Hof Certified Instructor for Denis Crean was a natural progression of cold and open water swimming experiences, learning from curiosity and experimentation. Now his mission is to share the past 20 years of his discoveries of how synthesizing our relationship with Nature and cold water, breathing into deeper physiology and powering the mind beyond limits, empowers each of us and our community. Denis guides you to rediscover a greater spirit within and the Wim Hof Method provides the perfect platform in which to do so.

As an endurance athlete, his attraction to Wim Hof was instantly captivating. Denis’ background in cold water swimming, having completed an ice mile (a mile bel...

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