Wim Hof Method

Atakan Copur

Level 1

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First Aid

Erfurt, Germany

Passionate about unlocking human potential, holistic health, and the transformative power of breath and cold exposure.

Instructor Level

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            Experience the Wim Hof Method to get an impression of  at
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            Experience the Wim Hof Method to get an impression of  at
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            Experience the Wim Hof Method to get an impression of  at
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            Experience the Wim Hof Method to get an impression of  at

Hello and welcome! You're about to embark on an incredible journey with the Wim Hof Method — a decision that might just change your life.

Together, we'll harness the inner power that resides in each of us, diving into the cold's refreshing embrace and finding a serene clarity of mind through focused breath-work. My aim is to guide you through this journey of self-discovery, helping to peel back the layers of doubt and unveil the strength that resides within.

Get ready to dance with the chill of nature, to breathe in vitality, and to become part of a community where open hearts and soaring spirits are the norms. Together, we're set to uncover the remarkable, the extraordinary within you.

As for me, I'm a man of simple pleasures — coffee aficionado, burger enthusiast, salsa dancer by night, and sports devotee. But above all, I am someone deeply captivated by the mind's ability to surpass its own limits and the body's remarkable response to the Wim Hof Method. My discovery of this powerful practice 3 years ago was a defining moment. It's not just a tool for fostering health and longevity; it's a portal to the vast potential of our physical and mental being.

My engineering background initially drew me to the Wim Hof Method's solid scientific foundation. The wealth of research supporting its benefits piqued my curiosity and led to wholehearted commitment. Since then, I've not only practiced but lived this method, from intense expeditions with Wim himself to gaining my instructor's license, a testament to my dedication and belief in its transformative potential.

Join me, and let's explore together what it means to live fully, breathe deeply, and embrace the power of the cold. Let's start this adventure together, one breath at a time.

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Hello and welcome! You're about to embark on an incredible journey with the Wim Hof Method — a decision that might just change your life.

Together, we'll harness the inner power that resides in each of us, diving into the cold's refreshing embrace and finding a serene clarity of mind through focused breath-work. My aim is to guide you through this journey of self-discovery, helping to peel back the layers of doubt and unveil the strength that resides within.

Get ready to dance with the chill of nature, to breathe in vitality, and to become part of a community where open hearts and soaring spirits are the norms. Together, we're set to uncover the remarkable, the extraordinary within you.


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