Andreas Lanz
Level 1

Training Specialty:
Entrepreneur, Coach, Public Speaker, Bookwriter
Bern, Schweiz
Consistency is the only way to improve in the longterm.
Instructor Level

Ever since I was young, sports have had a deep impact on my life. It has taught me how to deal with defeats, achieve success and to enjoy them. The positive effects it has on the body and soul continues to fascinate me. I was able to transfer this fascination from my private to my working life - it is the source of my TATKRAFT (German = thrive).
The Wim Hof Method has helped me manage an auto-immune disease that I have had for many years. To me the approach of Wim Hof is inspiring, fascinating and comprehensible. I chose to be an instructor of the Wim Hof Method in order to share my fascination for the simplicity and effectiveness of the method with as many people as possible!I am looking forward to meeting you!
Der Sport hat mein Leben schon früh geprägt – er lehrte mich, mit Niederlagen umzugehen, Erfolge zu erzielen und diese zu geniessen. Seine positiven Auswirkungen auf Körper und Geist haben mich immer fasziniert. Es ist mir gelungen diese Faszination vom Privat- auf mein Berufsleben zu übertragen – sie ist die Quelle meiner TATKRAFT.Â
Die Wimhofmethode hat mir persönlich geholfen, meine langjährige Autoimmunkrankheit in den Griff zu bekommen. Den Ansatz von Wim Hof finde ich inspirierend, faszinierend und nachvollziehbar. Deshalb habe ich mich zum Instructor der Wimhofmethode ausbilden lassen, um meine Faszination an der Einfachheit und Wirksamkeit der Methode mit möglichst vielen Menschen zu teilen!Â
Ich freue mich darauf, Dich kennenzulernen!
Read lessEver since I was young, sports have had a deep impact on my life. It has taught me how to deal with defeats, achieve success and to enjoy them. The positive effects it has on the body and soul continues to fascinate me. I was able to transfer this fascination from my private to my working life - it is the source of my TATKRAFT (German = thrive).
The Wim Hof Method has helped me manage an auto-immune disease that I have had for many years. To me the approach of Wim Hof is inspiring, fascinating and comprehensible. I chose to be an instructor of the Wim Hof Method in order to share my fascination for the simplicity and effectiveness of the method with as many people as possible!I am looking f...
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