Wim Hof Method

Alexander Lionman Gabrysch

Level 2

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Mindfulness Coach

Training Specialty:
Pain to Power

Belfast, UK

The way out, is in.

Instructor Level

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Alex is on a committed healing journey. Through his lifelong battle with mental health he had only one choice; to go deep inside the body & mind.

Alex has trained at numerous events, through this and training with Wim in Stroe & at the Winter expedition in Poland he experienced a new depth of feeling which was previously unknown to him. It was here Wim gave him the name 'Lionman' and it was through this he found his purpose.

Through this exploration; he has developed the power through which to share his story and teach this powerful method. Through commitment to the Wim Hof Method he has found himself and his tribe. Alex now communicates as a living breathing example that there is hope for people who are also struggling. He now dedicates himself to the Wim Hof Method so that others too can experience powerful healing and new depths to their being.

Be assured that Alex will lead instruction with care, understanding and commitment. Alex gives his whole heart to this practice.

Alex is a gentle man with a big heart.

It is through his pain he found his power.

Alex welcomes you to experience the amazing benefits he has felt through his own practice. So you too, can feel happiness health and strength! ❤️

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Alex is on a committed healing journey. Through his lifelong battle with mental health he had only one choice; to go deep inside the body & mind.

Alex has trained at numerous events, through this and training with Wim in Stroe & at the Winter expedition in Poland he experienced a new depth of feeling which was previously unknown to him. It was here Wim gave him the name 'Lionman' and it was through this he found his purpose.

Through this exploration; he has developed the power through which to share his story and teach this powerful method. Through commitment to the Wim Hof Method he has found himself and his tribe. Alex now communicates as a living breathing example that there is hope for...

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Alexander Lionman Gabrysch

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