Jamie Garcia
Level 1
Houston, TX, USA
- Houston TX native with a background in Business Management and loves being outdoors.
Instructor Level

Hello! My name is Jamie and I am a Level 1 certified Wim Hof Method Instructor. My journey began back in 2020 during covid. Like many others, my life abruptely changed and there was so much uncertainty. At that time, I had been off of anti-depressants for a year, after being on them for almost 17 years. My default for coping became turning to anything that made me feel numb. I was scared and knew something needed to change. I came across a Wim Hof Method breathwork class and remember leaving feeling so proud of myself! I slowly started building a relationship with the method and my anxiety and depression started to became distant. I felt good and started to trust myself; I felt safe to feel my body. I never knew about any tool out there like this and pursued my certification to share and teach the three pillars of the method. Everyone has a right to know about the Wim Hof Method and have access to a safe space to come and explore if this practice works for them. I look forward to guiding you through a breathwork journey and ice bath, all while exploring the power of our mind!
Read lessHello! My name is Jamie and I am a Level 1 certified Wim Hof Method Instructor. My journey began back in 2020 during covid. Like many others, my life abruptely changed and there was so much uncertainty. At that time, I had been off of anti-depressants for a year, after being on them for almost 17 years. My default for coping became turning to anything that made me feel numb. I was scared and knew something needed to change. I came across a Wim Hof Method breathwork class and remember leaving feeling so proud of myself! I slowly started building a relationship with the method and my anxiety and depression started to became distant. I felt good and started to trust myself; I felt safe to f...
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